Integrator For Slack
WC Slack is an open source plugin for integrating WooCommerce and Slack. Messages are automatically posted to slack when a user registers, logs in or updates their account details. More to come.
Basic slack integration for WooCommerce
Run composer install
to create the autoloader
- Setup an incoming web hook for slack
- Install plugin
- Add your unique slack hook and default channel name in plugin settings
- Plugin posts updates on Registration, Login, Account Detail Updates, Account Address Updates.
- More to come.
Post your own messages to slack.
Simple Message
wc_slack_message("Hello World!");
Advanced Message @see
$post = get_post($id);
wc_slack_message("Post Update Event", [
'color' => '#28a745',
'title' => $post->post_title,
'text' => "Time Stamp: " . date('Y-m-d D h:i:s a (e)') . "\nPost ID: " . $post->ID ."\Status: " . $post->post_status,
'actions' => [
"type" => "button",
"name" => "view-post",
"text" => "View",
"url" => get_permalink($post)